Tuesday, March 15, 2005

a few funny lists

Hi. How ya doin'?

Okay. So this is like the third or fourth time in the last three months I've had to come on here and publicly beg forgiveness from my one or two loyal readers regarding my inability to consistently and constantly update this blog. So here it goes...


There, that's taken care of.

What have I been up to, you ask? What has kept me from bloggin it up doggystyle?

Graduate School.

I am currently locked in the basement of my college. That's right - I'm studying at 5:30 on a Friday afternoon. During football season no less. Disgraceful.

So before you go pointing your finger at me for not contributing my brilliant observations to the blogosphere for well over a month, allow me to point out that I have been quite busy.

Allow me to redeem myself. How about a nice, amusing LIST. Something like....

New Game Shows I'd Love to Watch While Stoned Out of My Gourd:

1. Dingo Verses Baby
2. Urinating For Dollars
3. Jeopardy - lobotomy Edition
4. Who Be Stanky?
5. Guess My Gender
6. Speed Crapping
7. Celebrity Speed Crapping
8. Eat My Midgets Black Cocks
9. Wheel of Lowered Expectations
10. Monday Night Sissy Slap Fight

Or how about...

New Band Names I'd Like To See in the Record Store:

1. Thunder Skunk
2. Reefer Beast
3. Clyde Nelson and His All eunuch Orchestra
4. Mariah Hari Cari
5. Surf Poodle
6. MC Snugglebunny & the Hug Posse
7. Remus Vanderbilt & the Monsters of Polka
8. Super Whore
9. The Rectal Scabs

Or what about...

New Book Titles I'd Like to See on the New Release Shelf at B. Dalton's:

1. Porcupine Wrangling for Children
2. How to Remove Your Kidneys for Dummies
3. Stephen King's Big Scary Book of Macro Economics
4. Why I'm An Annoying Airhead by Jessica Simpson
5. A Collection of Penthouse Forum Letters by Dear Abby
6. It Tastes Like Chicken Soup for the Cannibal's Soul
7. A Pictorial of Unflushed Interstate Restroom Toilets
8. Great Moments in the History of Tang
9. Confessions of a Mafia Hitman by Mario Rosetelli - No, Wait, That's Not My Real Name - I Meant To Write "By Antonio Fennucci" - Yeah, That's It.
10. The Big Pop-Up Book of Presidential Erections